Ngawang Kherrab Bhutia
Ven. Ngawang Kherrab Bhutia completed his monastic studies at Druk Thupten Sa-Ngag Monastery in West Bengal, India in 2016. His studies included the study of Sutra and Tantra prayers of different aspects, ritual music, and ritual dance. He holds a Dbrupbpon Title (Meditation Master) and is an expert in modern meditation and yoga for beginners.
He has many teachings including the Precious Teaching of of the Six Doctrines of Narop, Tummo, Candal (inner heat) Gyulue (illusory body), Milam (dreaming), Woesel (luminosity), Phowa (ejection of consciousness), and Bardo (intermediate states), and many other important teachings from His Holiness the 12th Galwang Drukpa, Lopon Kado, His Holiness the 68th Je Khenpo Tensin Dhundup, and Gyaltsen Tulku Rinpoche.
Under the guidance of Gyaltsen Tulku Rinpoche, between 2007 and 2015, he completed two three-year retreats, as well as many other short retreats in eastern Bhutan.
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